TDAC is made up of multiple hunting association and clubs as well as major stake holder Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers (TFGA) and Forestry Tasmania (FT).
To maintain Tasmania’s wild fallow deer herd, in a high quality state in harmony with the agricultural practices and environment and managed as a recreational resource for sustainable, ethical harvesting.
To achieve its aim, the Committee has established the following as its objectives:
To co-ordinate and participate in the development of a management plan for wild fallow deer in Tasmania that may most closely meet long-term expectations of the Tasmanian community.
To develop and promote the adoption of an appropriate management programme for wild fallow deer in Tasmania.
To conduct and facilitate any such research into wild or domestic fallow deer as may be necessary to develop, manage, or maintain a Tasmanian wild deer management programme.
To actively promote the role of ethical hunting as a principal tool in a Tasmanian wild deer management programme.
To advise the Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries and Water (or equivalent body) on issues concerning the fallow deer resource of Tasmania.